Les experts des Civilisations Numériques

Between 2005 and 2007 30 international experts from every continent on the globe fed the debate at the Digital Civilizations Forum. They are Ci’Num’s network of Designers of Tomorrow. Their aim was to compare and contrast their cultures and viewpoints in order to tease out likely economic, social, and technological templates for the future. They collaborated with Decision Makers of Today – political figures, economists, academics, aid organizations, and unions – to determine the shape our Information Society might take in 2030, and the challenges that we will have to face so that we might remain masters of this future.

Yasmine ABBAS (France) Edith ACKERMANN (Etats-Unis)
Izumi AIZU (Japon) George AMAR (France)
Jean-Claude BURGELMAN (Belgique) Daniela CERQUI (Suisse)
Abdoullah CISSÉ (Sénégal) Régine DEBATTY (Belgique)
Daniel ERASMUS (Pays-Bas) Monica FOSSATI (France)
Adam GREENFIELD (Etats-Unis) Robin D.HANSON (Etats-Unis)
Daniel KAPLAN (France) Derrick de KERKHOVE (Canada)
Jiro KOKURYO (Japon) Philippe LEMOINE (France)
Ranjit MAKKUNI (Inde) Isaac MAO (Chine)
Luc MONTAGNIER (France) Teruyasu MURAKAMI (Japon)
Nicolas NOVA (Suisse) Francis PISANI (France)
Giulio PRISCO (Italie) Joël de ROSNAY (France)
Françoise ROURE (France) Anders SANDBERG (Suède)
Nigel THRIFT (Grande-Bretagne) Anthony TOWNSEND (Etats-Unis)
Henri VANDAMME (France) Foong WAI FONG (Malaisie)