The utilization of the ICT in and for the education is in a constant growth in many countries: it is discerned in all over the world like a necessity and an opportunity. Dakar Framework for action identified on (April 2000) that the use of new technologies of information and communication as being one of the main strategies to realize the purpose of education for every (EPT). The ICT are today an important part of a technology continuum allying chalks and books, audiovisuals and multimedia equipments, all able to sustain and enrich the training. Electronic portfolio and e-portfolio offer new tools and learning ways that require displaying some strategy and some uses adapted to the educational objectives. The innovation resides as much in the technology that permits to emerge new software, frame according to the users and their particularities (it is the tool that must accommodate) as in the human use.

«The e-portfolio (or web-folio) designates a whole advanced documents and electronic resources that reflect the course and the person’s expertise that constituted it. Shareable by the whole of its potential users (learning, teaching, employers, parents, institutions) the E-portfolio allows three new forms of relations, presentation and evaluation: « “the “showcase E-portfolio” (the organization of the contents is conceived after the integration of work), the “structured E-portfolio” (the organization is installed upstream work) and the “learning E-portfolio” (the structure evolves progressively with the integration of work) «.» “Cf Extending the portfolio model, of Gary Greenberg, Educause review, volume 39 n°4 of July-August 2004. The integration of new technologies to education leaves also the field open to new theories on the training, which calls into question the traditional model of the transmission of the knowledge. Mainly inspired by the creator of the famous language Logo, the constructionism (not to be confused, in spite of an obvious filiation, with the constructivism of Jean Piaget) part of the principle that the pupil is an actor of his training, not increasing his knowledge by receiving a teaching but by using tools and by building objects and concepts by himself («learning by making»). The constructionism is adopted by some researchers of the MIT like Mitchel Resnick, who invented considerable «building sets», some of them virtual, as the language starlogo (which make it possible to stimulate decentralized collective systems), or the «programmable bricks», which were going to give rise to the «Lego Mindstorms». In the same line of researchers, we discover also Alan Kay, one of the pioneers of the personal data processing. In this mobility were created various programming languages «for the children» such Scratch, Etoys or also Alice, at the university Carnegie Mellon. One of the best concepts of Seymour Papert, which opposes to the classic edutainment (that consists to make» swallow the pill «of a difficult and tedious teaching by avoiding it of an «amusing» decoration) is an idea of «hard fun» which postulates that the children don’t grumble to the difficulty, but search for it, If the result obtain assures them a personal mastery.